AMP 5085311000001109

Search dm+d | This AMP cannot be matched against our prescribing data.

Description Dobutamine 250mg/20ml concentrate for solution for infusion ampoules (hameln pharma Ltd)
BNF code 0207010D0AAADAD
Virtual Medicinal Product Dobutamine 250mg/20ml solution for infusion ampoules
Name Dobutamine 250mg/20ml concentrate for solution for infusion ampoules
Abbreviated name Dobutamine 250mg/20ml concentrate for inf ampoules
Date of name applicability 14 Dec 2010
Previous name Dobutamine 250mg/20ml solution for infusion ampoules
Supplier hameln pharma Ltd
Current licensing authority Medicines - MHRA/EMA
EMA additional monitoring
Parallel import
Restrictions on availability None
Licensed Route
Licenced route Intravenous
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Dobutamine 250mg/20ml concentrate for solution for infusion ampoules (hameln pharma Ltd) 10 ampoule 2 x 5 x 20ml ampoules

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_6.0.0_20240603000001, imported on 3rd June 2024 at 04:58:20.
