VMP 3395111000001100

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Name Generic Dermacolor camouflage creme
BNF code 130802000BBATA0
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Not applicable
Dose Form
Formulation Not applicable
Drug Route
Route Route of administration not applicable
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Dermacolor camouflage creme (Colour Not Specified)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D041 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D043 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D070D10 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D070D6 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D070D7 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D070D8 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D070 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D071 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D079 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D080 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D089 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D096 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D0 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D100 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D101 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D102 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D10 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D10W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D110 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D11 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D11W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D128 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D129 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D12 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D132 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D133 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D13 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D14 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D1.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D15 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D16 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D1742 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D17A (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D17 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D18 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D192 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D193 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D19 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D1 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D1W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D20 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D21 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D2.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D28A (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D2 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D2W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D305 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D30 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D31 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D32 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D3.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D39 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D3W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D405 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D406 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D40 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D43 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D4.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D4 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D4W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D508 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D509 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D50 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D510 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D512 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D517 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D51 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D52 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D53 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D546 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D54 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D556 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D55 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D56 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D57 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D58 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D59 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D5W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D61 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D62 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D63 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D64 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D65 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D66 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D67 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D68 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D69 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D6 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D6W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D701 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D706 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D707 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D708 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D72 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D742 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D7 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D7W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D81 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D8 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D8W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D9 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme D9W (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DCOP (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DEF80 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DF14 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DF17 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DF1 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DF2 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DF3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DFD (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DFF7 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DFF (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DFS36 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DG178 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DGOLD (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DIN (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DIVORY (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ1 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ2 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ4 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ6 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ7 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ8 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DJ9 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM0.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM0 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM1 2/3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM1.25 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM1.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM1.75 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM1 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2 1/8 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2 2/3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2.25 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2.75 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM2 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM3 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM4.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM4 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM5.25 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM5.5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM5.75 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM5 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM6 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DM7 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DREDB (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Dermacolor camouflage creme DV23 (Kryolan UK Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Generic Dermacolor camouflage creme 25 ml
Generic Dermacolor camouflage creme 30 gram

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_6.0.0_20240603000001, imported on 3rd June 2024 at 04:58:20.
