VMPP 17944311000001105

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Description Glycerol 500microlitres/5ml / Ipecacuanha liquid extract 9.8microlitres/5ml oral solution 200 ml
BNF code 0309020H0AAAKAK
Virtual Medicinal Product Glycerol 500microlitres/5ml / Ipecacuanha liquid extract 9.8microlitres/5ml oral solution
Quantity value 200.00
Quantity unit of measure ml
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Bell's Chesty Cough Compound of Glycerin, Lemon and Ipecacuanha oral solution (Bell,Sons & Co (Druggists) Ltd) 200 ml

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_12.0.0_20241202000001, imported on 3rd December 2024 at 03:57:46.
