VMPP 3150611000001101

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Description Carbomer '980' 0.2% eye drops 10 gram
BNF code 1108010B0AAABAB
Virtual Medicinal Product Carbomer '980' 0.2% eye drops
Quantity value 10.00
Quantity unit of measure gram
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part VIIIA Category C
Drug Tariff price (pence) 280
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
AaCarb Carbomer 0.2% eye gel (TriOn Pharma Ltd) 10 gram
Aacomer 0.2% eye gel (Essential-Healthcare Ltd) 10 gram
Artelac Nighttime 0.2% eye gel (Bausch & Lomb UK Ltd) 10 gram
Carbomer 0.2% eye gel (Medicom Healthcare Ltd) 10 gram
Clinitas Carbomer 0.2% eye gel (Altacor Ltd) 10 gram
GelTears 0.2% gel (Bausch & Lomb UK Ltd) 10 gram
GelTears 0.2% gel (Lexon (UK) Ltd) 10 gram
Lumecare Carbomer 0.2% eye gel (Medicom Healthcare Ltd) 10 gram
Ocufresh Carbomer 0.2% lubricating eye gel (Blumont Healthcare Ltd) 10 gram
Puroptics Carbomer 0.2% eye gel (Biovantic Pharma Ltd) 10 gram
Viscotears 2mg/g liquid gel (Bausch & Lomb UK Ltd) 10 gram
Viscotears 2mg/g liquid gel (Lexon (UK) Ltd) 10 gram
Viscotears 2mg/g liquid gel (Sigma Pharmaceuticals Plc) 10 gram
Xailin 0.2% eye gel (Visufarma UK Ltd) 10 gram

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_4.2.0_20240415000001, imported on 15th April 2024 at 05:09:22.
