AMP 42793611000001103

Search dm+d | This AMP cannot be matched against our prescribing data.

Description Terlipressin 1mg powder and solvent for solution for injection vials (Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Terlipressin 1mg powder and solvent for solution for injection vials
Name Terlipressin 1mg powder and solvent for solution for injection vials
Abbreviated name Terlipressin 1mg inj vials
Supplier Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Current licensing authority Medicines - MHRA/EMA
EMA additional monitoring
Parallel import
Restrictions on availability None
Licensed Route
Licenced route Intravenous
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Terlipressin 1mg powder and solvent for solution for injection vials (Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd) 5 vial

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_6.3.0_20240624000001, imported on 24th June 2024 at 05:06:11.
