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AMP 6129411000001103

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Description Chiron ostomy plaster WJ011-35-Q 102mm square, 35mm opening (Jade-Euro-Med)
BNF code 23052400509
Virtual Medicinal Product Ostomy adhesive plasters
Name Chiron ostomy plaster
Supplier Jade-Euro-Med
Current licensing authority Devices
EMA additional monitoring
Parallel import
Restrictions on availability None
Appliance Product Information
Size / weight 102mm square, 35mm opening
Product order number WJ011-35-Q
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Chiron ostomy plaster WJ011-35-Q 102mm square, 35mm opening (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 plaster

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_4.3.0_20240422000001, imported on 22nd April 2024 at 05:06:50.
