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AMPP 18024411000001104

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Description Vigantol 20,000units/ml oral drops (Imported (Germany)) 10 ml
BNF code 0906040G0CDAACL
Virtual Medicinal Product Pack Colecalciferol 20,000units/ml oral drops 10 ml
Actual Medicinal Product Vigantol 20,000units/ml oral drops (Imported (Germany))
Legal category Not Applicable
Medicinal Product Price
Price (pence) 0
Price basis No Price Available
Reimbursement Information
Prescription charges 1
Dispensing fees 1
Broken bulk
Calendar pack
Special container Special container
Discount not deducted Discount not deducted - automatic
FP34D prescription item

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_9.2.0_20240916000001, imported on 16th September 2024 at 04:53:08.
