AMPP 40344111000001107

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Description UltraMax Atlas shallow convex colostomy bag with filter 83732 32mm Opaque (Marlen Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
BNF code 23355903680
Virtual Medicinal Product Pack Colostomy bags 10 device
Actual Medicinal Product UltraMax Atlas shallow convex colostomy bag with filter 83732 32mm Opaque (Marlen Healthcare Ltd)
Legal category Not Applicable
Appliance Pack Information
Appliance reimbursement status Allowed (in Drug Tariff)
Product Prescribing Information
Schedule 2
Personally administered
FP10 MDA Prescription
Schedule 1
Nurse formulary
Nurse extended formulary
Dental formulary
Medicinal Product Price
Price (pence) 3200
Price basis NHS Indicative Price
Reimbursement Information
Prescription charges 1
Dispensing fees 1
Broken bulk
Calendar pack
FP34D prescription item

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_9.3.0_20240923000001, imported on 23rd September 2024 at 04:57:49.
