VMP 13487311000001101

Search dm+d | This VMP cannot be matched against our prescribing data.

Name Generic Quiet Life tablets
BNF code 091200000BFLRA0
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Non-availability Actual Products not Available
Non-availability status date 18 Oct 2017
Dose form Discrete
Unit dose form size 1.000
Unit dose form units tablet
Unit dose unit of measure tablet
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Motherwort
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 34.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Wild lettuce dry extract
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 29.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Hops powder
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 75.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Valerian root extract
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 50.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Passion flower
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 58.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Thiamine hydrochloride
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 710.000
Strength value numerator unit microgram
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Riboflavin
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 570.000
Strength value numerator unit microgram
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Nicotinamide
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 4.490
Strength value numerator unit mg
Ontology Drug Form & Route
Form & Route tablet.oral
Dose Form
Formulation Oral tablet
Drug Route
Route Oral
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Generic Quiet Life tablets 100 tablet
Generic Quiet Life tablets 50 tablet

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_6.3.0_20240624000001, imported on 24th June 2024 at 05:06:11.
