VMP 42135311000001105

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Name Pregabalin 225mg capsules
BNF code 0408010AEAAAIAI
Virtual Therapeutic Moiety Pregabalin
Date identifier became valid 4 Aug 2023
Previous product identifier 421070002
Basis of preferred name rINN - Recommended International Non-proprietary
Prescribing status Valid as a prescribable product
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Discrete
Unit dose form size 1.000
Unit dose form units capsule
Unit dose unit of measure capsule
Virtual Product Ingredient
Ingredient Pregabalin
Basis of pharmaceutical strength Based on Ingredient Substance
Strength value numerator 225.000
Strength value numerator unit mg
Ontology Drug Form & Route
Form & Route capsule.oral
Dose Form
Formulation Oral capsule
Drug Route
Route Oral
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category Schedule 3 (CD No Register Exempt Safe Custody)
Date of applicability 1 Apr 2019
Previous Controlled Drug information No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Alzain 225mg capsules (Dr Reddy's Laboratories (UK) Ltd)
Axalid 225mg capsules (Kent Pharma (UK) Ltd)
Lyrica 225mg capsules (Viatris UK Healthcare Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (A A H Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Accord-UK Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Alliance Healthcare (Distribution) Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Amarox Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Bristol Laboratories Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Brown & Burk UK Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Dr Reddy's Laboratories (UK) Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Krka UK Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Medihealth (Northern) Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Milpharm Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (MSN Laboratories Europe Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Noumed Life Sciences Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Relonchem Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Sun Pharma UK Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Teva UK Ltd)
Pregabalin 225mg capsules (Viatris UK Healthcare Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Pregabalin 225mg capsules 56 capsule

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
