VMP 7279311000001107

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Name Compression hosiery class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure
BNF code 21070410121
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Valid as a prescribable product
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Not applicable
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Altiform class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure closed toe Black (Altimed Ltd)
Altiform class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure closed toe Soft beige (Altimed Ltd)
Altiform class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure open toe Black (Altimed Ltd)
Altiform class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure open toe Soft beige (Altimed Ltd)
Credalast Classic Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure closed toe Black (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Classic Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure closed toe Natural (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Classic Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure open toe Black (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Classic Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure open toe Natural (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Velvet Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure closed toe Black (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Velvet Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure closed toe Natural (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Velvet Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure open toe Black (Credenhill Ltd)
Credalast Velvet Circular Knit class I thigh length nylon stocking made to measure open toe Natural (Credenhill Ltd)
Eesiness Circular class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure closed toe Beige (E Sallis Ltd)
Eesiness Circular class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure closed toe Black (E Sallis Ltd)
Eesiness Circular class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure open toe Beige (E Sallis Ltd)
Eesiness Circular class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure open toe Black (E Sallis Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Compression hosiery class I thigh length stocking circular knit made to measure 2 stocking

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_6.3.0_20240624000001, imported on 24th June 2024 at 05:06:11.
