VMP 7289611000001108

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Name Nelaton catheter female 14Ch
BNF code 21020000105
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Not applicable
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Actreen Glys luer lock catheter female 14Ch 227314E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Glys set catheter female 14Ch 226314E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Hi-Lite catheter female 14Ch 238314E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Lite Cath catheter female/paediatric 14Ch 228314E 20cm (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Mini Cath catheter female 14Ch 228014E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Mini set catheter female 14Ch 239014E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Advance catheter female 14Ch 92142 (Hollister Ltd)
Aloe Hydro catheter female 14Ch AHF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
Aloe Hydro Plus catheter female 14Ch PSAHF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
Aloe Original catheter female 14Ch ABF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
Aloe Original Plus catheter female 14Ch PSAOF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
BD Ready-To-Use hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch RTU14F (Bard Ltd)
CompactCath catheter female 14Ch 101609 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Conveen EasiCath catheter female 14Ch 5374 (Coloplast Ltd)
Curan Advantage catheter female 14Ch WHF14 (CliniMed Ltd)
Curan Lady catheter female 14Ch CL14 (CliniMed Ltd)
Flocath Hydro Gel catheter female 14Ch 851121 (Teleflex)
Flocath Intro Gel catheter female 14Ch 851621 (Teleflex)
Flocath Quick catheter female 14Ch with 0.9% sterile saline solution 851221 (Teleflex)
GC Air catheter female 14Ch 421723 (ConvaTec Ltd)
GC Air catheter female 14Ch 510602 V2.0 (ConvaTec Ltd)
GentleCath Glide hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 421573 (ConvaTec Ltd)
Hi-Slip hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch HS.SF2014 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Hi-Slip Kit hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch HS.KF2014 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Hi-Slip Plus hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch HS.PF2014 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
HunterCath non-coated ISC catheter female 14Ch SCF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
HydroSil discreet catheter female 14Ch 61614C (Bard Ltd)
HydroSil rose catheter female 14Ch 71414 (Bard Ltd)
HydroSil Silicone Hydrophilic Personal catheter female 14Ch 71614 (Bard Ltd)
Idrocath catheter female 14Ch 50011 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
Idrocath Kit catheter female 14Ch 50111 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
Infyna Chic hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 7014 (Hollister Ltd)
Infyna hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 88141 17cm (Hollister Ltd)
Infyna Plus hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 86141 (Hollister Ltd)
InstantCath catheter female 14Ch 9676 (Hollister Ltd)
iQ Cath hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch IQ2302.14 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd)
LentisCath catheter female 14Ch 101409 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Liquick Base catheter female 14Ch 630114 (Teleflex)
Liquick Pure catheter female 14Ch 851321-000140 (Teleflex)
Liquick Pure catheter female Ergothan tip 14Ch 851322-000140 (Teleflex)
Liquick X-treme catheter female 14Ch 851822-000140 20cm (Teleflex)
Liquick X-treme Plus catheter female 14Ch 852822-000140 (Teleflex)
LoFric catheter female non PVC 14Ch 4031425 20cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric catheter female non PVC 14Ch 4041425 15cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Elle catheter female 14Ch 4181425 (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Hydro-Kit catheter female 14Ch 42314253 (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Insti-Cath catheter female 14Ch 4081425 20cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Primo catheter female non PVC 14Ch 4131425 20cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Primo catheter female non PVC 14Ch 4141425 15cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Sense hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 4161425 15cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
Luja catheter female 14Ch 20054 (Coloplast Ltd)
MobiLoc catheter female 14Ch 550114G (Teleflex)
mtg Cath-Lean catheter female 14Ch 40414 (Pioneer Medical Europe Ltd)
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch FC-1414/FP (Pennine Healthcare Ltd)
OptiSmooth hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch OS1814 18cm (Vesica Urology Ltd)
OptiSmooth hydrophilic catheter female mini 14Ch OS1214 12cm (Vesica Urology Ltd)
Riplex Jaques catheter female PVC 14Ch DT6114-5 (Teleflex)
SafetyCat Active catheter female Ergothan tip 14Ch 851722-000140 (Teleflex)
SafetyCat non-coated ISC catheter female 14Ch 22082114 (Teleflex)
Self-Cath catheter female 14Ch 214 (Coloplast Ltd)
SensaCath Aqua hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch AQUAF14 (CliniSupplies Ltd)
SensaCath hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch PSCF14 (CliniSupplies Ltd)
Smooth Nelaton catheter female 14Ch SNF14 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
SpeediCath catheter female 14Ch 28514 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpeediCath Compact catheter female 14Ch 28584 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpeediCath Compact Eve catheter female 14Ch 28114 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpeediCath Compact Plus catheter female 14Ch 28814 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpeediCath Compact Set catheter female 14Ch 28524 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpiritCare hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch SH-CC032 (Spirit Healthcare Ltd)
UCath H2O catheter female 14Ch uCath/HF1214 12cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UCath H2O catheter female 14Ch uCath/HF1814 18cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UCath hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch F1214 12cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UCath hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch F1814 18cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UltraSmooth Aqua hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch USA1414 (Peak Medical Ltd)
UltraSmooth Plus hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch USP1814 (Peak Medical Ltd)
VaPro No Touch catheter female 14Ch 72142 20cm (Hollister Ltd)
VaPro Plus No Touch catheter female 14Ch 74142 20cm (Hollister Ltd)
VaPro Plus Pocket No Touch catheter female 14Ch 71142 20cm (Hollister Ltd)
VaPro Pocket No Touch hydrophilic catheter female 14Ch 70142 20cm (Hollister Ltd)
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter female soft tip 14Ch W2SF14 18cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd)
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter female taper tip 14Ch W2TAF14 18cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 100 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 10 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 15 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 1 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 20 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 25 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 30 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 50 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 5 catheter
Nelaton catheter female 14Ch 60 catheter

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
