VMP 7291011000001101

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Name Nelaton catheter male 8Ch
BNF code 21020000101
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Not applicable
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Actreen Glys luer lock catheter male 8Ch 227208E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Glys luer lock catheter male olive Tiemann tip 8Ch 227408E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Glys set catheter male 8Ch 226208E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Glys set catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 226108E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Hi-Lite catheter male 8Ch 238208E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Hi-Lite catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 238108E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Lite Cath catheter male 8Ch 228208E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Actreen Lite Cath catheter male olive Tiemann tip 8Ch 228108E (B.Braun Medical Ltd)
Advance catheter male 8Ch 92084 (Hollister Ltd)
Advance Plus catheter 8Ch 94084 (Hollister Ltd)
CompactCath catheter male 8Ch 101600 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
CompactCath catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 101619 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Conveen EasiCath catheter male 8Ch 5348 (Coloplast Ltd)
Cure Ultra catheter male 8Ch ULTRA M8 (ConvaTec Ltd)
Flocath Hydro Gel catheter male 8Ch 851141 (Teleflex)
Flocath Intro Gel catheter male 8Ch 851641 (Teleflex)
Flocath Quick catheter male 8Ch with 0.9% sterile saline solution 851241 (Teleflex)
GC Air catheter male 8Ch 510687 (ConvaTec Ltd)
GC Air catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 510693 (ConvaTec Ltd)
GC Glide hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch 421564 (ConvaTec Ltd)
GC Glide hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 421907 (ConvaTec Ltd)
Hi-Slip hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch HS.SM4008 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Hi-Slip Kit hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch HS.KM4008 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Hi-Slip Plus hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch HS.PM4008 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Idrocath catheter child 8Ch 50013 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
Idrocath catheter male 8Ch 50010 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
Idrocath Kit catheter child 8Ch 50113 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
Idrocath Kit catheter male 8Ch 50110 (GTA (UK) Ltd)
LentisCath catheter male 8Ch 101400 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
LentisCath catheter male Tiemann tip 8Ch 101419 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
LoFric catheter male non PVC 8Ch 4000825 (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Hydro-Kit catheter male non PVC 8Ch 42008253 (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Insti-Cath catheter male 8Ch 4070825 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare)
LoFric Primo catheter male non PVC 8Ch 4100825 (Wellspect HealthCare)
Luja pocket size catheter male 8Ch 20058 (Coloplast Ltd)
OptiSmooth hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch OS4008 40cm (Vesica Urology Ltd)
OptiSmooth Mitro catheter male 8Ch OSM4008 40cm (Vesica Urology Ltd)
OptiSmooth Mitro catheter male 8Ch OSM5008 50cm (Vesica Urology Ltd)
Riplex extra long catheter PVC 8Ch DT6116 (Teleflex)
Riplex Jaques catheter male PVC 8Ch DT6115-5 (Teleflex)
Self-Cath catheter male 8Ch 408 (Coloplast Ltd)
Smooth Nelaton catheter male 8Ch SNM08 (Hunter Urology Ltd)
Soft red rubber Jaques catheter male 8Ch DT5143-5 (Teleflex)
SpeediCath catheter boy 8Ch 28608 30cm (Coloplast Ltd)
SpeediCath catheter male 8Ch 28408 (Coloplast Ltd)
SpiritCare hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch SH-CC023 (Spirit Healthcare Ltd)
UCath H2O catheter male 8Ch uCath/HM08 (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UCath hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch M08 40cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd)
UltraSmooth Aqua hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch USA4208 (Peak Medical Ltd)
UltraSmooth MCath4 catheter male 8Ch USM4008 40cm (Peak Medical Ltd)
UltraSmooth Plus hydrophilic catheter male 8Ch USP4008 (Peak Medical Ltd)
VaPro F-Style No Touch catheter male 8Ch 7600084 (Hollister Ltd)
VaPro No Touch catheter male 8Ch 72084 40cm (Hollister Ltd)
VaPro Plus Pocket No Touch catheter male 8Ch 71084 40cm (Hollister Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 10 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 15 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 1 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 20 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 25 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 30 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 5 catheter
Nelaton catheter male 8Ch 60 catheter

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
