VMP 7300411000001108

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Name Urinal systems
Basis of preferred name Other
Prescribing status Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP
Sugar free
Gluten free
Preservative free
CFC free
Dose form Not applicable
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category No Controlled Drug Status
Actual Medicinal Products
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system replacement bag SPlus18 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with extra large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with medium briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with small briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Acti-Brief Plus urinal system with XX large briefs ABPlus/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Adjustable web belt 0304 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Adjustable web belt 0305 115cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Adjustable web belt 0306 150cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Adult plastic bag WS120-05-V (Jade-Euro-Med)
Adult rubber bag WS110-05-Q (Jade-Euro-Med)
Afex Active male urinal system with extra large briefs A100-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Active male urinal system with large briefs A100-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Active male urinal system with medium briefs A100-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Active male urinal system with small briefs A100-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Active male urinal system with XX large briefs A100-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Active male urinal system with XXX large briefs A100-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs extra large A200-XL-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs extra large A200-XL-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs extra small A200-XS-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs extra small A200-XS-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs large A200-L-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs large A200-L-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs medium A200-M-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs medium A200-M-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs small A200-S-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs small A200-S-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs XX large A200-2X-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs XX large A200-2X-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs XXX large A200-3X-08 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex briefs XXX large A200-3X-08 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex collection bag stabilizer A710-S-09 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs extra large A200CS-XL White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs extra small A200CS-XS White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs large A200CS-L White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs medium A200CS-M White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs small A200CS-S White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs XX large A200CS-2X White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter briefs XXX large A200CS-3X White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with extra large briefs A100XL-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with extra small briefs A100XS-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with large briefs A100L-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with medium briefs A100M-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with small briefs A100S-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with XX large briefs A1002X-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Core Supporter male urinal system with XXX large briefs A1003X-5105-C (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex high receptacle sheath A300-F-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex leg bag holder A800-B-07 Black (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex leg bag holder A800-W-07 White (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex low receptacle sheath A300-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex low receptacle supersoft sheath A300-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with extra large briefs A120-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with large briefs A120-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with medium briefs A120-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with small briefs A120-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with XX large briefs A120-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Mobility Assisted male urinal system with XXX large briefs A120-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Noctura bed bag configuration supplemental kit A140-N (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Noctura leg bag configuration supplemental kit A130-N (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with extra large briefs A110-XL-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with large briefs A110-L-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with medium briefs A110-M-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with small briefs A110-S-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with XX large briefs A110-2X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex Sedentary male urinal system with XXX large briefs A110-3X-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex tube assembly A700-A-08 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex tube stabilizer A700-S-07 (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex urine collection bag A400-B-08 500ml (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex urine collection bag A400-E-08 1.5litre (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex urine collection bag A400-L-08 1.2litre (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex urine collection bag A400S 250ml (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex urine collection bag A400-X-08 2litre (iMEDicare Ltd)
Afex vented urine collection bag A400-V-08 500ml (iMEDicare Ltd)
Beambridge bed bottle closed end 6-BBC (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge bed bottle without tap 6-BB (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge bed bottle with tap 6-BBT (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge bottle bag 6-80 (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge bottle bag without tap 6-85 (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge Lady Jug 6-45 (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge Pod 6-60 (Beambridge Medical)
Beambridge Pod with tap 6-60T (Beambridge Medical)
Bridge saddle urinal 6-26 (Beambridge Medical)
Bridge urinal 6-18 (Beambridge Medical)
Bridge urinal with tap 6-18T (Beambridge Medical)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-22-A 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-25-G 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-29-Q 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-32-D 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-35-K 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-38-R 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey adult pubic pressure flange curved top WS202-44-L 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey child pubic pressure flange curved top WS200-22-R 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey male urinal with plastic bag WP105-01-L (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chailey male urinal with rubber bag WP100-01-P (Jade-Euro-Med)
Child plastic bag WS120-01-M (Jade-Euro-Med)
Child rubber bag WS110-01-G (Jade-Euro-Med)
Child's pubic pressure flange WS025-22-L Sheath 22mm, flange 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Child's pubic pressure flange WS032-25-K Sheath 25mm, flange 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Child transverse rubber bag WS145-01-U (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chiron geriatric urinal WP148-01-V (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chiron male plastic urinal WP145-01-H (Jade-Euro-Med)
Chiron male rubber urinal with webbing belt WP124-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med)
Curved coned top large 0625 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Curved coned top medium 0624 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Curved coned top small 0623 25mm flange (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-32-V 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-38-J 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Double based pubic pressure flange WS160-44-D 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Drainage bag 6-55 (Beambridge Medical)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0201 70cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0202 75cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0203 80cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0204 85cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0205 90cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Elastic belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0206 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Essex urinal system with double based flange and bag KM 28 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Essex urinal system with flange and plastic bags KM 29 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps large, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0416 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps medium, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0415 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Facepiece with belt and adjustable rubber understraps small, compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0414 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Facepiece with belt and loop, compatible with MK2, MK4, MK5 urinal system 0430 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Facepiece with belt loop and scrotal support, compatible with MK2, MK4, MK5 urinal system 0441 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0401 70cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0402 75cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0403 80cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0404 85cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0405 90cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0406 95cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0407 100cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0408 105cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange support compatible with MK7, MK8 urinal system 0409 110cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange with wide belt and scrotal support large, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0422 Waist size 90/100cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange with wide belt and scrotal support medium, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0421 Waist size 80/90cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Flange with wide belt and scrotal support small, compatible with MK9, MK10 urinal system 0420 Waist size 70/80cm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Fridjohn urinal M600 (Jade-Euro-Med)
G.U. condom urinal 0021 568ml (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
G.U. condom urinal 0022 1136ml (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
G.U. nylon connector 0711 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Hallam bag NS200(a) (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd)
Hallam belt NS200(b) (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd)
Hallam modular urinal NS200 (Ellis, Son & Paramore Ltd)
Incontiaid re-usable urinal bottle 1350 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Latex rubber tubing 1203 8mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Latex rubber tubing 1205 10mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Long flanged plastic bag compatible with MK5, MK6, MK8, MK10, MK12 urinal system 0811 32/38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Long flanged plastic bag compatible with MK5, MK6, MK8, MK10, MK12 urinal system 0812 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Long flanged plastic bag with foam pad, compatible with MK4 urinal system 0821 32/38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Long flanged plastic bag with foam pad, compatible with MK4 urinal system 0822 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Male child pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with curved cone, medium WR013-01-R (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male draining jug 6-50 (Beambridge Medical)
Male draining jug with tap 6-50T (Beambridge Medical)
Male jockey belt JB/200 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male jockey urinal M200 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male jockey urinal rubber bag RB/M200 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-19-R 19mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-22-E 22mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-25-L 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-29-U 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-32-H 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-35-P 35mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-38-V 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure flange WS038-41-J 41mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal Fig 101 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag extra large straight top WP013-01-B (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag large curved top WP011-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag large straight top WP015-01-K (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with double based flange, extra large straight top WP041-01-J (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal plastic bag with double based flange, large curved top WP035-01-V (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag extra large straight top WP005-01-E (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag large curved top WP001-01-M (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag large straight top WP003-01-V (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal rubber bag with double based flange, extra large straight top WP031-01-D (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal with inner sheath Fig 104 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male pubic pressure urinal with plastic bags PP 2 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with inner sheath Fig 111a (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with plastic bag and belt Fig 105 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with plastic bag and inner sheath Fig 106 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with plastic bag and scrotal support Fig 107 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with plastic bag Fig 4a (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urinal with rubber bag Fig 5 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Male urine bottle closed end 6-51 (Beambridge Medical)
MK10 male incontinence appliance 0010 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK11 male incontinence appliance 0011 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK12 male incontinence appliance 0012 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK1 male incontinence appliance 0001 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK2 male incontinence appliance 0002 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK3 male incontinence appliance 0003 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK4 male incontinence appliance 0004 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK5 male incontinence appliance 0005 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK6 male incontinence appliance 0006 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK7 male incontinence appliance 0007 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK8 male incontinence appliance 0008 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
MK9 male incontinence appliance 0009 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Night drainage connector compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0701 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with extra large briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with large briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with medium briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/20 20mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/25 25mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/27.5 27.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/30 30mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/32.5 32.5mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/35 35mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Original acti brief uri-drain urinal system with small briefs AB/18/40 40mm flange (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Oval leg bag with tap, large OLBWT(L) 350ml (Jade-Euro-Med)
Oval leg bag with tap, small OLBWT(S) 250ml (Jade-Euro-Med)
Payne's female urine director 0631 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Payne's male urine director 0630 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Plastic bag compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0801 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Plastic bag with wide neck WS120-10-N (Jade-Euro-Med)
Progress plastic scrotal urinal bag M800 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Progress plastic urinal bag M700 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure flange 0520 25mm flange, 13mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0521 25mm flange, 17mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0522 25mm flange, 19mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0523 25mm flange, 22mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0524 32mm flange, 22mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0525 32mm flange, 25mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0526 38mm flange, 29mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0527 38mm flange, 32mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0528 45mm flange, 35mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0529 45mm flange, 38mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure flange 0530 45mm flange, 42mm sheath (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top large WS130-05-B (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top medium WS130-03-W (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal curved rubber cone top small WS130-01-S (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top extra large WS135-07-C (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top large WS135-05-X (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal straight rubber cone top medium WS135-03-T (Jade-Euro-Med)
Pubic pressure urinal with plastic bag 0019 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Pubic pressure urinal with rubber bag 0019 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced coned top large compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0603 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced coned top medium compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0602 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced coned top small compatible with MK1, MK2, MK9 urinal system 0601 25mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced cone top with vent tube, large 0612 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced cone top with vent tube, medium 0611 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Reinforced cone top with vent tube, small 0610 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Retracted penis pouch 9811 (Hollister Ltd)
Retracted penis pouch with Flextend skin barrier 9873 (Hollister Ltd)
Rubber bag compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0901 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber bag with vent tube, compatible with MK1, MK2, MK3, MK7, MK9, MK11 urinal system 0910 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber bag with vent tube WS140-05-G (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0101 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber belt extra large compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0102 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber double bag WS140-08-N (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber female extension tube 785776 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber flange compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0516 38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0517 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and combined reinforced top compatible with MK3 urinal system 0560 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, extra large, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system 0504 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, large, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system 0503 38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, medium, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system 0502 32mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm and understrap, small, compatible with MK1, MK6 urinal system 0501 25mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm extra large, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal system 0513 45mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm large, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal system 0512 38mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber flange with feathered diaphragm medium, compatible with MK2, MK5, MK9, MK10 urinal system 0511 32mm (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber leg bag with air vent PP 13 (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber sheath with closed end WS160-02-L (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber sheath WS168-25-J 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber sheath WS168-29-S 29mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber tubing 1204 8mm Red (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber tubing 1206 10mm Red (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-61-A 61cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-26 66cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-28 71cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-30 76cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-32 81cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-34 86cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-36 91cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-38 97cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-40 102cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-42 107cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-44 112cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Rubber urinal belt WS101-91-46 117cm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Soft coned top compatible with MK11 urinal system 0619 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Soft rubber diaphragm compatible with MK11, MK12 urinal system 0519 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville condom urinal system 0020 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville dry incontinence sheath plain 1101 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville dry incontinence sheath teated 1106 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville kipper bag 0920 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville nylon connector 0710 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Stoke Mandeville rubber tube and connector 0712 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Straight coned top large 0622 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Straight coned top medium 0621 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Straight coned top small 0620 25mm flange (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Surrey urinal MKII WP133-25-J 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Surrey urinal MKII WP133-32-F 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Surrey urinal MKII WP133-38-T 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Surrey urinal MKI WP130-25-V 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
Surrey urinal MKI WP130-38-F 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med)
URIbag F pocket sized female urinal URIbag F 1.2litre (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd)
URIbag pocket sized male urinal URIbag 1.2litre (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/20 20mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/25 25mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/27.5 27.5mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/30 30mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/32.5 32.5mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/35 35mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system LU18/40 40mm (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Uri-Drain urinal system replacement bag SP18 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd)
Urinal net suspensory WS107-08-W (Jade-Euro-Med)
Uriwell urinal system 80-3360934-134 (Rubicon Healthcare)
Urox cup extra large 1014 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox cup large 1013 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox cup medium 1012 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox cup small 1011 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox fixation pants extra large 3014 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox fixation pants large 3013 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox fixation pants medium 3012 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox fixation pants small 3011 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox gaiter extra large 2014 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox gaiter large 2013 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox gaiter medium 2012 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox gaiter small 2011 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Urox urinal system starting kit 5011 (C&G Medicare Ltd)
Web belt compatible with MK1, MK3, MK6 urinal system 0301 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis male day urinal IU/11 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis male night urinal IU/12 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis male urinal with long narrow bag IU/365 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis male urinal with short rubber bag IU/43 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis suspension bag large IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis suspension bag medium IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Willis suspension bag small IU/1458 (S.G.& P.Payne Ltd)
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Urinal systems 100 device
Urinal systems 10 device
Urinal systems 144 device
Urinal systems 15 device
Urinal systems 1 device
Urinal systems 1 m
Urinal systems 3 device
Urinal systems 4 device
Urinal systems 5 device
Urinal systems 6 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_2.2.0_20250217000001, imported on 18th February 2025 at 03:53:40.
