Name |
Wound drainage bags |
Basis of preferred name |
Other |
Prescribing status |
Never Valid To Prescribe As A VMP |
Sugar free |
✗ |
Gluten free |
✗ |
Preservative free |
✗ |
CFC free |
✗ |
Dose form |
Not applicable |
Controlled Drug Prescribing Information
Controlled Drug category |
No Controlled Drug Status |
Actual Medicinal Products
Cath Dry dressing CDSS001 (Peak Medical Ltd) |
Cath Dry XL dressing CDSS01XL (Peak Medical Ltd) |
Catheter shower wound drainage bag ND-001 (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) |
Confidence wound drainage bag for horizontal wounds small CWM01 60mm x 40mm (Salts Healthcare) |
Confidence wound drainage bag for vertical wounds small CWM02 40mm x 60mm (Salts Healthcare) |
Confidence wound drainage bag medium CWM03 53mm x 150mm (Salts Healthcare) |
Eakin access window large 839280 (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin access window small 839281 (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure and access window for horizontal wounds, extra large 839264 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure and access window for vertical wounds, extra large 839268 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for horizontal wounds, extra large 839263 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical incision wounds, extra large 839266 290mm x 130mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical wounds, extra large 839265 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical wounds, large 839270 250mm x 80mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure, large 839262 175mm x 110mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure, medium 839261 110mm x 75mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure, small 839260 45mm x 30mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure, small plus 839267 86mm x 60mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure, extra large 839253 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure, large 839252 175mm x 110mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure, medium 839251 110mm x 75mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure, small 839250 45mm x 30mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) |
Independence Easy Access wound drainage bag EA1 (Independence Products Ltd) |
Independence Extra Sticky wound drainage bag EA2 (Independence Products Ltd) |
Independence small wound drainage bag with extra dressing VAP3 (Independence Products Ltd) |
Independence wound drainage bag with extra dressing VAP1 (Independence Products Ltd) |
Independence Xtra large wound drainage bag with extra dressing VAP2 (Independence Products Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag extra small WWM-XS 90mm x 180mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag large OM-L Cut to fit 10mm-50mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag large WWM-L 160mm x 260mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag medium OM-M Cut to fit 10mm-50mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag medium WWM-M 90mm x 260mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag oblong WWM-O 60mm x 190mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag small OM-S Cut to fit 10mm-30mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag small WWM-S 245mm x 160mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag square WWM-SQ 160mm x 200mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, extra small WWM-XSA 90mm x 180mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, large WWM-LA 160mm x 260mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, medium WWM-MA 90mm x 260mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, oblong WWM-OA 60mm x 190mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, small WWM-SA 245mm x 160mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Option wound manager bag with access port, square WWM-SQA 160mm x 200mm (Oakmed Ltd) |
Welland Fistula wound drainage bag PFV700 Cut to fit 40mm x 70mm (Welland Medical Ltd) |
Welland Wound Manager bag small NOP700 30mm x 40mm Clear (Welland Medical Ltd) |
Welland Wound Manager bag with inspection window large WOP713 Cut to fit 90mm x 90mm Clear (Welland Medical Ltd) |
Welland Wound Manager bag with split soft cover large POP513 Cut to fit 90mm x 90mm Beige (Welland Medical Ltd) |
Welland Wound Manager bag with split soft cover medium SOP500 50mm x 70mm Beige (Welland Medical Ltd) |
Virtual Medicinal Product Packs
Wound drainage bags 10 device |
Wound drainage bags 12 device |
Wound drainage bags 1 device |
Wound drainage bags 20 device |
Wound drainage bags 30 device |
Wound drainage bags 3 device |
Wound drainage bags 5 device |