VMPP 10868511000001101

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Description Wound drainage bags 5 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Wound drainage bags
Quantity value 5.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Eakin access window large 839280 (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin access window small 839281 (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure and access window for horizontal wounds, extra large 839264 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure and access window for vertical wounds, extra large 839268 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for horizontal wounds, extra large 839263 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical incision wounds, extra large 839266 290mm x 130mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical wounds, extra large 839265 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with bung closure for vertical wounds, large 839270 250mm x 80mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Eakin wound drainage bag with fold and tuck closure, extra large 839253 245mm x 160mm (Pelican Healthcare Ltd) 5 device
Welland Wound Manager bag with inspection window large WOP713 Cut to fit 90mm x 90mm Clear (Welland Medical Ltd) 5 device
Welland Wound Manager bag with split soft cover large POP513 Cut to fit 90mm x 90mm Beige (Welland Medical Ltd) 5 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
