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VMPP 1102311000001105

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Description Gauze swab type 13 light BP 1988 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm 100 swab
BNF code 20120000100
Virtual Medicinal Product Gauze swab type 13 light BP 1988 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm
Quantity value 100.00
Quantity unit of measure swab
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Drug Tariff price (pence) 159
Date from which applicable 1 Jun 2023
Previous price (pence) 155
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
ActiGauze-N gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (MaN Pharma Ltd) 100 swab
Alvita gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (Alliance Healthcare (Distribution) Ltd) 100 swab
Clini gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 100 swab
CS gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 100 swab
Gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (Robert Bailey & Son Plc) 100 swab
Gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (Robinson Healthcare) 100 swab
MeCoBo gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (MeCoBo Ltd) 100 swab
Vernaid gauze swab 8ply non-sterile 10cm x 10cm (Synergy Health (UK) Ltd) 100 swab

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_4.3.0_20240422000001, imported on 22nd April 2024 at 05:06:50.
