VMPP 13628611000001104

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Description Ropinirole 8mg modified-release tablets 28 tablet
BNF code 0409010H0AAAMAM
Virtual Medicinal Product Ropinirole 8mg modified-release tablets
Quantity value 28.00
Quantity unit of measure tablet
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part VIIIA Category C
Drug Tariff price (pence) 4211
Date from which applicable 1 Feb 2011
Previous price (pence) 10528
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Ipinnia XL 8mg tablets (Ethypharm UK Ltd) 28 tablet 4 x 7 tablets
Raponer XL 8mg tablets (Accord-UK Ltd) 28 tablet 2 x 14 tablets
Repinex XL 8mg tablets (Aspire Pharma Ltd) 28 tablet 2 x 14 tablets
ReQuip XL 8mg tablets (GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd) 28 tablet
ReQuip XL 8mg tablets (Sigma Pharmaceuticals Plc) 28 tablet
Ropinirole 8mg modified-release tablets (Krka UK Ltd) 28 tablet 4 x 7 tablets
Ropiqual XL 8mg tablets (Milpharm Ltd) 28 tablet

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_9.3.0_20240923000001, imported on 23rd September 2024 at 04:57:49.
