VMPP 16087711000001104

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Description Generic ProSource liquid 30ml sachets gluten free 100 sachet
BNF code 0913141C0AAABAB
Virtual Medicinal Product Generic ProSource liquid 30ml sachets gluten free
Quantity value 100.00
Quantity unit of measure sachet
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
ProSource liquid 30ml sachets citrus berry (Nutrinovo Ltd) 100 sachet
ProSource liquid 30ml sachets (Flavour Not Specified) 100 sachet
ProSource liquid 30ml sachets neutral (Nutrinovo Ltd) 100 sachet
ProSource liquid 30ml sachets orange creme (Nutrinovo Ltd) 100 sachet

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_2.2.0_20250217000001, imported on 18th February 2025 at 03:53:40.
