VMPP 20408511000001107

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Description Tracheostomy breathing aids 15 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Tracheostomy breathing aids
Quantity value 15.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Laryvox tape comfort extra large oval 48340 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape comfort oval 48240 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape comfort round 48140 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape extra fine 48400 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape flexible extra large oval 48320 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape flexible oval 48220 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape flexible round 48120 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hydrosoft extra large oval 48330 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hydrosoft oval 48230 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hydrosoft round 48130 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hypoallergen extra large oval 48250 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hypoallergen oval 48150 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape hypoallergen round 48050 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape standard extra large oval 48300 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape standard oval 48200 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Laryvox tape standard round 48100 (Severn Healthcare Technologies Ltd) 15 device
Provox FreeHands Support adhesive 8024 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device
Provox HME stomafilter with StabiliBase adhesive 7289 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device
Provox HME stomafilter with StabiliBase OptiDerm adhesive 7318 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device
Provox Life Night adhesive 8261 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device
Provox Life Protect HME filter cassette 8313 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device 3 x 5 device
Provox Life Stability adhesive 8263 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device
Provox Luna adhesive 8014 (Atos Medical AB) 15 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
