VMPP 39649211000001108

Search dm+d | This VMPP cannot be matched against our prescribing data.

Description Generic Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets 7 sachet
BNF code 0913011D0AAADAD
Virtual Medicinal Product Generic Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets
Quantity value 7.00
Quantity unit of measure sachet
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets banana (Aymes International Ltd) 7 sachet
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets chocolate (Aymes International Ltd) 7 sachet
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets (Flavour Not Specified) 7 sachet
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets neutral (Aymes International Ltd) 7 sachet
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets strawberry (Aymes International Ltd) 7 sachet
Aymes Shake Fibre powder 57g sachets vanilla (Aymes International Ltd) 7 sachet

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_5.3.0_20240527000001, imported on 27th May 2024 at 05:27:36.
