VMPP 4784111000001102

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Description Albumin human 5% solution for infusion 250ml bottles 1 bottle
BNF code 0902022A0AAAMAM
Virtual Medicinal Product Albumin human 5% solution for infusion 250ml bottles
Quantity value 1.00
Quantity unit of measure bottle
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Albunorm 5% solution for infusion 250ml bottles (Octapharma Ltd) 1 bottle
Human Albumin Grifols 5% solution for infusion 250ml bottles (Grifols UK Ltd) 1 bottle
Octalbin 5% solution for infusion 250ml bottles (Octapharma Ltd) 1 bottle

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_1.2.0_20250113000001, imported on 14th January 2025 at 04:06:47.
