VMPP 5879611000001108

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Description Tracheostomy and laryngectomy protectors 10 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Tracheostomy and laryngectomy protectors
Quantity value 10.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Buchanan laryngectomy protector LA BUP 0001 Large (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan laryngectomy protector LA BUP 0002 Small (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 1001 Large White (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 1002 Large Blue (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 1003 Large Beige (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 2001 Small White (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 2002 Small Blue (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Buchanan Lite laryngectomy protector LA BLT 2003 Small Beige (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
Hirst laryngectomy protector (Redwood Distribution Ltd) 10 device
Nex foam collar filter HNFC (JLJ Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Provox protector 7385 Small White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector 7386 Large White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Air 7391 Small White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Air 7392 Small Blue (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Air 7393 Large White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Air 7394 Large Blue (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Slim 7387 Small White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Slim 7388 Small Blue (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Slim 7389 Large White (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox protector Slim 7390 Large Blue (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1427 55mm x 60mm (1 strip) Ivory (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1428 70mm x 70mm (1 strip) Ivory (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1429H 55mm x 60mm (1 strip) Beige (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1430H 70mm x 70mm (1 strip) Beige (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1432H 55mm x 60mm (2 strips) Beige (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1433H 70mm x 70mm (2 strips) Beige (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Provox Tracheofix laryngectomy protector 1435 70mm x 70mm (2 strips) Ivory (Atos Medical AB) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3669 Large White (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3698 Small White (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3764 Large Blue (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3765 Large Beige (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3777 Small Blue (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS3778 Small Beige (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS4051 Large Black (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS4056 Medium Blue (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
Sofshield laryngectomy protector AS4063 Small Black (Insight Medical Products Ltd) 10 device
SpiroTect protector antibacterial PTA700 small (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
SpiroTect protector antibacterial PTA702 large (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device
SpiroTect protector PTA705 Small Grey (Sheffmed Ltd) 10 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
