VMPP 5964811000001108

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Description Constrictor rings for erectile dysfunction 5 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Constrictor rings for erectile dysfunction
Quantity value 5.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Applicator and cone set ECA02 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Asset constrictor ring 0105 (Genesis Medical Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring size 1 ECR01/1 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring size 2 ECR01/2 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring size 3 ECR01/3 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring size 4 ECR01/4 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring size 5 ECR01/5 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device
Constrictor ring sizes 1-5 ECR01 (R and G Products Ltd) 5 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
