VMPP 6032011000001107

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Description Foley catheter female 12Ch 1 catheter
BNF code 21020000103
Virtual Medicinal Product Foley catheter female 12Ch
Quantity value 1.00
Quantity unit of measure catheter
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Drug Tariff price (pence) 232
Date from which applicable 1 Jul 2023
Previous price (pence) 227
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
2 way foley all silicone catheter female 12Ch 5782 5ml-10ml balloon (Mediplus Ltd) 1 catheter
Bardex I.C. Bard Tray catheter female 12Ch D23695L12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Bardex I.C. Bard Tray catheter female 12Ch D23695M12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Bardex I.C. Bard Tray catheter female 12Ch D23695S12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Bardex I.C. silver alloy coated pre-filled catheter female 12Ch D236912S 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Biocath Aquamatic hydrogel coated pre-filled catheter female 12Ch D226812 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Biocath Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D22695L12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Biocath Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D22695M12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Biocath Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D22695S12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Biocath hydrogel coated catheter female 12Ch D226912 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Brillant AquaFlate all silicone catheter female 12Ch DA210112 10ml balloon (Teleflex) 1 catheter
FlexiCath silicone catheter female 12Ch 00-421205C 10ml balloon (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 1 catheter
FlexiCath silicone catheter with pre-filled syringe for balloon inflation and supplementary syringe for balloon deflation female 12Ch 01-121205C 10ml balloon (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 1 catheter
Foley all silicone catheter female 12Ch D166112 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Folysil all silicone catheter female 12Ch AA7512 10ml balloon (Coloplast Ltd) 1 catheter
Folysil X-Tra silicone pre-filled catheter with empty syringe for balloon deflation female 12Ch AA8B12 (Coloplast Ltd) 1 catheter
LINC all silicone catheter with integral balloon and glycerine filled syringe female 12Ch 085012051G 5ml balloon (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 1 catheter
LINC all silicone catheter with integral balloon and water filled syringe female 12Ch 085012051W 5ml balloon (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 1 catheter
Lubri-Sil Aquafil hydrogel coated silicone catheter female 12Ch D176112E 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Lubri-Sil Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D17615L12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Lubri-Sil Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D17615M12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Lubri-Sil Comprehensive Care Foley Tray catheter female 12Ch D17615S12 10ml balloon (Bard Ltd) 1 catheter
Prosys all silicone catheter female 12Ch PCF12F10 10ml balloon (CliniSupplies Ltd) 1 catheter
PTFE AquaFlate coated latex catheter female 12Ch DP210112 10ml balloon (Teleflex) 1 catheter
SpiritCare all silicone catheter with pre-filled syringe for balloon inflation and supplementary syringe for balloon deflation female 12Ch SH-CC038 10ml balloon (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 1 catheter
Sympacath AquaFlate hydrogel coated latex catheter female 12Ch DH210112 10ml balloon (Teleflex) 1 catheter
Uniflo-Xtra all silicone catheter female 12Ch 1007UBF12 5ml balloon (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 1 catheter

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_4.3.0_20240422000001, imported on 22nd April 2024 at 05:06:50.
