VMPP 6169311000001103

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Description Ostomy pressure plates/shields 1 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Ostomy pressure plates/shields
Quantity value 1.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXc
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Jet-60 60mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Jet-75 75mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Jet-90 90mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Pearl-60 60mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Pearl-75 75mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Pearl-90 90mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Sand-60 60mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Sand-75 75mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Pads CSPAD-Sand-90 90mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Jet-60 60mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Jet-75 75mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Jet-90 90mm aperture Jet (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Pearl-60 60mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Pearl-75 75mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Pearl-90 90mm aperture Pearl (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Sand-60 60mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Sand-75 75mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Comfishield Set CSSET-Sand-90 90mm aperture Sand (Kavendor Ltd) 1 device
Light White anti-sag ring for belt 833038 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Light White anti-sag ring for velcro belt 833086 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Light White stabilising ring 833039 (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Ostomy pressure plate 833090 50mm (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Ostomy pressure plate 833091 60mm (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Ostomy rubber facepiece TJS948b (TJ Shannon Ltd) 1 device
Ostomy stoma shield SS104 (SASH) 1 device
Ostomy wire pressure frame with hook and lug WK012-32-V 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Ostomy wire pressure frame with hook and lug WK012-38-J 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Ostomy wire pressure frame with hook and lug WK012-44-D 44mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Ostomy wire pressure frame with hook and lug WK012-51-A 51mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
