VMPP 6215911000001100

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Description Urostomy bags 1 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Urostomy bags
Quantity value 1.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXc
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Chiron latex urostomy day bag WF203-38-B 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron latex urostomy night bag WF213-38-G 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron rubber urostomy day bag WF201-38-S 38mm White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron rubber urostomy day bag WF205-22-T 22mm Black (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron rubber urostomy night bag WF211-38-X 38mm White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron rubber urostomy night bag WF211-44-S 44mm White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Chiron rubber urostomy night bag WF211-51-P 51mm White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen butyl urostomy bag large 188125 25mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen butyl urostomy bag large 188132 32mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen MB urostomy bag large 185138 38mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen rubber urostomy bag large 181125 25mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen rubber urostomy bag large 181132 32mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Koenig Rutzen rubber urostomy bag medium 181325 25mm Black (Salts Healthcare) 1 device
Lenbul day bag with large opening U7 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
Lenbul day bag with tap U5 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
Lenbul night bag with large opening U8 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
Lenbul night bag with tap U6 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 1 device
Mitcham urostomy bag with foam pads WH012-25-U 25mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Mitcham urostomy bag with foam pads WH012-32-R 32mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Mitcham urostomy bag with foam pads WH012-38-E 38mm (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Rubber urostomy day bag KM 45 White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device
Rubber urostomy night bag KM 47 White (Jade-Euro-Med) 1 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
