VMPP 6524711000001103

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Description Sterile leg bags 10 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Sterile leg bags
Quantity value 10.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXb
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Bendi sterile leg bag with swing tap 70.33-20S 700ml bag, 20cm inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Bendi sterile leg bag with swing tap 70.33-35Sadj 700ml bag, 35cm adjustable inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Bendi sterile leg bag with swing tap 70.47-12S 1.3litre bag, 12cm inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Bendi sterile leg bag with swing tap 70.47-20S 1.3litre bag, 20cm inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Bendi sterile leg bag with swing tap 70.47-35Sadj 1.3litre bag, 35cm adjustable inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
CliniSure sterile leg bag with lever tap CSL500LT 500ml bag, long tube (CliniMed Ltd) 10 device
CliniSure sterile leg bag with lever tap CSL500ST 500ml bag, short tube (CliniMed Ltd) 10 device
CliniSure sterile leg bag with T tap CST500LT 500ml bag, long tube (CliniMed Ltd) 10 device
CliniSure sterile leg bag with T tap CST500ST 500ml bag, short tube (CliniMed Ltd) 10 device
Comfort R sterile leg bag R710.1445SOadj 600ml bag, 45cm inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Comfort sterile leg bag with slide tap 710.2445Sadj 600ml bag, 45cm inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Comfort sterile leg bag with swing tap 710.1445Sadj 600ml bag, 45cm inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Comfort sterile leg bag with twist tap T711S 1litre bag, 49cm inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Comfort XR sterile leg bag R711.1445SOadj 1litre bag, 45cm inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Conveen Contour sterile leg bag 5172 600ml bag, 5cm inlet tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Conveen Contour sterile leg bag 5173 600ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Conveen Contour sterile leg bag 5175 800ml bag, 45cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Conveen Security+ sterile leg bag 5162 500ml bag, 30cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Conveen Security+ sterile leg bag 5163 500ml bag, 50cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Discreet sterile leg bag 70.04S 450ml bag, diagonal direct inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Discreet sterile leg bag 70.06S 400ml bag, straight direct inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Discreet sterile leg bag latex free with twist tap 720.3200S 500ml bag, straight direct inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Discreet sterile leg bag latex free with twist tap 721.3200S 500ml bag, diagonal direct inlet tube (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-5352 350ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-5502 500ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-5752 750ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-6352 350ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-6502 500ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-6504 500ml bag, adjustable tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag 00-6752 750ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag with non-latex gloves 00-5502G 500ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare Discreet sterile leg bag with non-latex gloves 00-6502G 500ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-1352 350ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-1502 500ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-1752 750ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-2352 350ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-2502 500ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-2752 750ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag 00-3502 500ml bag, 60cm adjustable tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag with non-latex gloves 00-1502G 500ml bag, short tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Flexicare sterile leg bag with non-latex gloves 00-2502G 500ml bag, long tube (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10100A 350ml bag, short tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10102C 500ml bag, short tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10104E 500ml bag, long tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10105F 500ml bag, adjustable tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10106G 750ml bag, short tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10108J 750ml bag, long tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10110L 750ml bag, adjustable tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10120W 1litre bag, long tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10122Y 1litre bag, adjustable tube (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
Libra sterile leg bag 10131H 500ml bag, direct inlet (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with lever tap LM500AD-L 500ml bag, adjustable inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with lever tap LM500LD-L 500ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with lever tap LM500MD-L 500ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with lever tap LM500SD-L 500ml bag, direct inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with lever tap LM750AD-L 750ml bag, adjustable inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM350MD-T 350ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM350SD-T 350ml bag, direct inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM500AD-T 500ml bag, adjustable inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM500LD-T 500ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM500MD-T 500ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM500SD-T 500ml bag, direct inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM750AD-T 750ml bag, adjustable inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM750LD-T 750ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM750MD-T 750ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
LINC-Flo sterile leg bag with T tap LM750SD-T 750ml bag, direct inlet tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag discreet LFLB-DLL 1000ml bag, large, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag discreet LFLB-DLS 1000ml bag, large, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag discreet LFLB-DRL 500ml bag, regular, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag discreet LFLB-DRS 500ml bag, regular, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag semi-transparent LFLB-SRL 500ml bag, regular, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Livfria sterile leg bag semi-transparent LFLB-SRS 500ml bag, regular, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM100LD-L 100ml bag, 30cm tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM100MD-L 100ml bag, 10cm tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM100SD-L 100ml bag, direct tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM200LD-L 200ml bag, 30cm tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM200MD-L 200ml bag, 10cm tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Panda baby sterile leg bag LM200SD-L 200ml bag, direct tube (LINC Medical Systems Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with lever tap P500L-LT 500ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with lever tap P500S-LT 500ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with non-flocked back and lever tap PH500L-LT 500ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with non-flocked back and lever tap PH500S-LT 500ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with non-flocked back and slide tap PH500L+ 500ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with non-flocked back and slide tap PH500S+ 500ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P350L 350ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P350S 350ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P500L 500ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P500S 500ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P750L 750ml bag, long tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Prosys sterile leg bag with slide tap P750S 750ml bag, short tube (CliniSupplies Ltd) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850363-000350 350ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850363-000500 500ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850363-000750 750ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850364-000350 350ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850364-000500 500ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with lever tap 850364-000750 750ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with slide tap 850361-000350 350ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with slide tap 850361-000500 500ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with slide tap 850362-000350 350ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Rusch sterile leg bag with slide tap 850362-000500 500ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 720350 350ml bag, short tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 720500 500ml bag, short tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 720750 750ml bag, short tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 730350 350ml bag, long tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 730500 500ml bag, long tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Silca sterile leg bag 730750 750ml bag, long tube (Richardson Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21561 350ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21562 350ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21571 500ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21572 500ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21591 750ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile leg bag 21592 750ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile syphon leg bag 21566 750ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Plus sterile syphon leg bag 21567 750ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21563 350ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21564 350ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21573 500ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21574 500ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21593 750ml bag, 6cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Simpla Profile sterile leg bag 21594 750ml bag, 25cm tube (Coloplast Ltd) 10 device
Smartflow children's sterile leg bag CBDirectS 210ml bag, direct inlet (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC001 350ml bag, short tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC002 350ml bag, long tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC003 500ml bag, short tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC004 500ml bag, long tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC005 750ml bag, short tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
SpiritCare sterile leg bag with T-valve and leg strap SH-CC006 750ml bag, long tube (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB350L 350ml bag, 30cm long tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB350S 350ml bag, 10cm short tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB500L 500ml bag, 30cm long tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB500S 500ml bag, 10cm short tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB750L 750ml bag, 30cm long tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB750S 750ml bag, 10cm short tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Spirit sterile leg bag DSLB750V 750ml bag, 60cm variable tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag 9621 500ml bag, 10cm inlet (Hollister Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag 9624 500ml bag, 50cm inlet (Hollister Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag 9631 800ml bag, 10cm inlet (Hollister Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag 9632 800ml bag, 50cm variable inlet (Hollister Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag 9814 540ml bag, direct inlet connector (Hollister Ltd) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 350 350ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 350 350ml bag, direct inlet (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 500 500ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 500 500ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 500 500ml bag, direct inlet (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 750 750ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 750 750ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 750 750ml bag, 38cm inlet tube (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Sterile leg bag LBWT 750 750ml bag, direct inlet (Jade-Euro-Med) 10 device
Teleflex sterile leg bag with lever tap 850355-000000 500ml bag, 30cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Teleflex sterile leg bag with lever tap 850356-000000 500ml bag, 10cm tubing (Teleflex) 10 device
Ugo 1C sterile leg bag with lever tap 1C/500/ST/L 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 1H sterile leg bag with lever tap 1H/500/ST/L 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 2C sterile leg bag with lever tap 2C/500/LT/L 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 2H sterile leg bag with lever tap 2H/500/LT/L 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 3C sterile leg bag with T tap 3C/500/ST/T 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 3H sterile leg bag with lever tap 3H/500/ST/T 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 4C sterile leg bag with T tap 4C/500/LT/T 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 4H sterile leg bag with lever tap 4H/500/LT/T 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 5C sterile leg bag with lever tap 5C/350/DI/L 350ml bag, direct inlet (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 6C sterile leg bag with lever tap 6C/350/ST/L 350ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 7C sterile leg bag with lever tap 7C/750/ST/L 750ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugo 8C sterile leg bag with lever tap 8C/750/LT/L 750ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugopro 1C sterile leg bag with lever tap 3410 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugopro 2C sterile leg bag with lever tap 3411 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugopro 3C sterile leg bag with T tap 3412 500ml bag, short tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Ugopro 4C sterile leg bag with T tap 3413 500ml bag, long tube (Optimum Medical Solutions Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D3L 350ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D3S 350ml bag, direct inlet (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D5L 500ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D5M 500ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D5S 500ml bag, direct inlet (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D7L 750ml bag, 30cm inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D7LX 750ml bag, 38cm adjustable inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D7M 750ml bag, 10cm inlet tube (Bard Ltd) 10 device
Uriplan sterile leg bag D7S 750ml bag, direct inlet (Bard Ltd) 10 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
