VMPP 6843111000001102

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Description Incontinence sheaths 30 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Incontinence sheaths
Quantity value 30.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXb
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B18 18mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B20 20mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B22 22mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B24 24mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B26 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B28 28mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B30 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B32 32mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
b.sure Quickfit latex free self-adhering sheath shorter length B35 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage silicone sheath extra large 786241 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage silicone sheath large 786233 35mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage silicone sheath medium 786195 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage silicone sheath small 786187 23mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage silicone sheath standard 786225 31mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 1 standard 5243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 1 standard 5283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 1 standard 5323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 1 standard 5363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 1 standard 5403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 2 pop-on 7243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 2 pop-on 7283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 2 pop-on 7323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 2 pop-on 7363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 2 pop-on 7403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 3 wideband 9243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 3 wideband 9283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 3 wideband 9323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 3 wideband 9363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage Spirit sheath style 3 wideband 9403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 1 1243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 1 1283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 1 1323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 1 1363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 1 1403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 2 2243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 2 2283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 2 2323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 2 2363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 2 2403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 3 3243 24mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 3 3283 28mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 3 3323 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 3 3363 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Clear Advantage with Aloe silicone sheath style 3 3403 40mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath pop on CS24P 24mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath pop on CS28P 28mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath pop on CS31P 31mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath pop on CS35P 35mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath pop on CS40P 40mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath standard CS24S 24mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath standard CS28S 28mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath standard CS31S 31mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath standard CS35S 35mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath standard CS40S 40mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath wide band CS24W 24mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath wide band CS28W 28mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath wide band CS31W 31mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath wide band CS35W 35mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
CliniSure silicone sheath wide band CS40W 40mm (CliniMed Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.24 24mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.26 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.28 28mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.30 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.32 32mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.35 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort Plus sheath 56.40 40mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.18 18mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.20 20mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.22 22mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.24 24mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.26 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.28 28mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.30 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.32 32mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.35 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.37 37mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath 53.40 40mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath extra thin 53.26D 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath extra thin 53.30D 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Comfort sheath extra thin 53.35D 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath shorter length 22121 21mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath shorter length 22125 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath shorter length 22130 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath shorter length 22135 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath standard length 22025 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath standard length 22028 28mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath standard length 22030 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath standard length 22035 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Optima latex free self-sealing Urisheath standard length 22040 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ Easifit self sealing Urisheath extra small 22011 21mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ Easifit self sealing Urisheath large 22014 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ Easifit self sealing Urisheath medium 22013 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ Easifit self sealing Urisheath small 22012 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ self sealing Urisheath extra large 5240 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ self sealing Urisheath extra small 5221 21mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ self sealing Urisheath large 5235 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ self sealing Urisheath medium 5230 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ self sealing Urisheath small 5225 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ sheath and liner system extra large 5040 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ sheath and liner system extra small 5021 21mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ sheath and liner system large 5035 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ sheath and liner system medium 5030 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Security+ sheath and liner system small 5025 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen self-sealing Urisheath extra large 5215 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen self-sealing Urisheath extra small 5212 20mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen self-sealing Urisheath large 5210 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen self-sealing Urisheath medium 5205 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen self-sealing Urisheath small 5200 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Urisheath and Uriliner system extra large 5140 40mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Urisheath and Uriliner system large 5135 35mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Urisheath and Uriliner system medium 5130 30mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Urisheath and Uriliner system small 5125 25mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Conveen Urisheath and Uriliner system very small 5120 20mm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath regular 00-DSR25 25mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath regular 00-DSR29 29mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath regular 00-DSR32 32mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath regular 00-DSR36 36mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath regular 00-DSR41 41mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath short 00-DSS25 25mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath short 00-DSS29 29mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath short 00-DSS32 32mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath short 00-DSS36 36mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath short 00-DSS41 41mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath tacky 00-DST25 25mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath tacky 00-DST29 29mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath tacky 00-DST32 32mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath tacky 00-DST36 36mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Discreet sheath tacky 00-DST41 41mm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Plus sheath extra large 786318 40mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Plus sheath large 786314 35mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Plus sheath medium 786306 28mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Plus sheath small 786292 23mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Plus sheath standard 786310 31mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom sheath large 786284 35mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom sheath medium 786276 28mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom sheath small 786268 23mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom sheath standard 786280 31mm (Rochester Medical Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 1 TF12530 25mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 1 TF12930 29mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 1 TF13230 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 1 TF13630 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 1 TF14130 41mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 2 TF22530 25mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 2 TF22930 29mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 2 TF23230 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 2 TF23630 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 2 TF24130 41mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 3 TF32530 25mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 3 TF32930 29mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 3 TF33230 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 3 TF33630 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Freedom Transfix sheath style 3 TF34130 41mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath extra 97325 25mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath extra 97329 29mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath extra 97332 32mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath extra 97336 36mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath extra 97341 41mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath special 97125 25mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath special 97129 29mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath special 97132 32mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath special 97136 36mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath special 97141 41mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath standard 97225 25mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath standard 97229 29mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath standard 97232 32mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath standard 97236 36mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
InView sheath standard 97241 41mm (Hollister Ltd) 30 device
Jade Naturaflex sheath intermediate M430 32mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Naturaflex sheath large M440 36mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Naturaflex sheath medium M420 29mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Naturaflex sheath small M410 25mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Extra sheath extra large M650 41mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Extra sheath intermediate M630 32mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Extra sheath large M640 36mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Extra sheath medium M620 29mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Extra sheath small M610 25mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex sheath extra large M550 Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex sheath intermediate M530 Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex sheath large M540 Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex sheath medium M520 Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex sheath small M510 Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Short sheath extra large M350 41mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Short sheath intermediate M330 32mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Short sheath large M340 36mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Short sheath medium M320 29mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
Jade Ultra Flex Short sheath small M310 25mm Clear (Jade-Euro-Med) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.24 24mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.26 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.28 28mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.30 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.32 32mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
K+IC sheath 103.35 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
Latex free self adhesive sheath 6-S24 24mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Latex free self adhesive sheath 6-S28 28mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Latex free self adhesive sheath 6-S31 31mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Latex free self adhesive sheath 6-S35 35mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Latex free self adhesive sheath 6-S40 40mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP24 24mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP28 28mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP31 31mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP33 33mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP35 35mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath pop on GBLSP40 40mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS24 24mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS28 28mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS31 31mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS33 33mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS35 35mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath standard GBLSS40 40mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW24 24mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW28 28mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW31 31mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW33 33mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW35 35mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Libra latex free sheath wide band GBLSW40 40mm (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Macrodom sheath GS7654 51mm tube (Hospital Management & Supplies Ltd) 30 device
Pop-On silicone sheath 32301 25mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Pop-On silicone sheath 32302 29mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Pop-On silicone sheath 32303 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Pop-On silicone sheath 32304 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Pop-On silicone sheath 32305 41mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath pop on PSS24POPON/B 24mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath pop on PSS28POPON/B 28mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath pop on PSS31POPON/B 31mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath pop on PSS35POPON/B 35mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath pop on PSS40POPON/B 40mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath standard PSS24STD/B 24mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath standard PSS28STD/B 28mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath standard PSS31STD/B 31mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath standard PSS35STD/B 35mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath standard PSS40STD/B 40mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath wide band PSS24WIDEBD/B 24mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath wide band PSS28WIDEBD/B 28mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath wide band PSS31WIDEBD/B 31mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath wide band PSS35WIDEBD/B 35mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
Prosys Flofit self adhesive sheath wide band PSS40WIDEBD/B 40mm (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath short PRTSHO 24 24mm (small) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath short PRTSHO 28 28mm (medium) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath short PRTSHO 32 32mm (intermediate) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath short PRTSHO 36 36mm (large) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath standard PRTSTD 24 24mm (small) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath standard PRTSTD 28 28mm (medium) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath standard PRTSTD 32 32mm (intermediate) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
ProTRAC all silicone self adhering sheath standard PRTSTD 36 36mm (large) (ProSys International Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.18 18mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.20 20mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.22 22mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.24 24mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.26 26mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.28 28mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.30 30mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.32 32mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.35 35mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.37 37mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
P-Sure sheath 97.40 40mm (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 device
SpiritCare sheath standard SH-CC007 24mm (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
SpiritCare sheath standard SH-CC008 28mm (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
SpiritCare sheath standard SH-CC009 31mm (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
SpiritCare sheath standard SH-CC010 35mm (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
SpiritCare sheath standard SH-CC011 40mm (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
UltraFlex Clear silicone sheath extra large 33305 (Bard Ltd) 30 device
UltraFlex Clear silicone sheath intermediate 33303 (Bard Ltd) 30 device
UltraFlex Clear silicone sheath large 33304 (Bard Ltd) 30 device
UltraFlex Clear silicone sheath medium 33302 (Bard Ltd) 30 device
UltraFlex Clear silicone sheath small 33301 (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/60 42mm circumference (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/61 55mm circumference (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/80 70mm circumference, 20mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/81 80mm circumference, 25mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/82 100mm circumference, 30mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath 30/83 107mm circumference, 35mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8460 42mm circumference (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8461 55mm circumference (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8480 70mm circumference, 20mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8481 80mm circumference, 25mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8482 100mm circumference, 30mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Uridrop sheath with Uristrip adhesive 8483 107mm circumference, 35mm diameter (SurgiSense Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type III ultra 2972530 25mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type III ultra 2972930 29mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type III ultra 2973230 32mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type III ultra 2973630 36mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type III ultra 2974130 41mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type II specific 2982530 25mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type II specific 2982930 29mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type II specific 2983230 32mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type II specific 2983630 36mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type II specific 2984130 41mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type I standard 2962530 25mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type I standard 2962930 29mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type I standard 2963230 32mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type I standard 2963630 36mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urimed Vision latex free adhesive sheath type I standard 2964130 41mm (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 device
Urinary sheath extra large 6-65 35mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Urinary sheath large 6-65 30mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Urinary sheath medium 6-65 25mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Urinary sheath small 6-65 20mm (Beambridge Medical) 30 device
Wide band silicone sheath 36301 25mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Wide band silicone sheath 36302 29mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Wide band silicone sheath 36303 32mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Wide band silicone sheath 36304 36mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device
Wide band silicone sheath 36305 41mm (Bard Ltd) 30 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
