VMPP 6932111000001104

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Description Ostomy skin protectives 30 device
Virtual Medicinal Product Ostomy skin protectives
Quantity value 30.00
Quantity unit of measure device
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXc
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Brava skin barrier wipes 12021 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 device
Cavilon No Sting barrier film wipes 3344E (3M Health Care Ltd) 30 device 30 x 1ml wipes
Clinifilm wipes 300718 (C D Medical Ltd) 30 device
Elisse Sting Free skin barrier wipes TR203 (Trio Healthcare Ltd) 30 device
Esenta Sting Free skin barrier wipes 423282 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 device
Liberty Soft Skin No Sting barrier wipes 10381B (Clinisupplies GB Ltd) 30 device
Medi Derma-S non-sting medical barrier film wipes 60307 (Medicareplus International Ltd) 30 device
Salts barrier film wipes PPS1 (Salts Healthcare) 30 device
StoCare Protect barrier film wipes STC 250 (Rhodes Pharma Ltd) 30 device

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
