VMPP 7179611000001100

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Description Nelaton catheter male 12Ch 30 catheter
BNF code 21020000101
Virtual Medicinal Product Nelaton catheter male 12Ch
Quantity value 30.00
Quantity unit of measure catheter
Drug Tariff Category Information
Drug Tariff payment category Part IXa
Drug Tariff price (pence) 1320
Date from which applicable 1 Sep 2021
Previous price (pence) 1260
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Actreen Glys set catheter male 12Ch 226212E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Glys set catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 226112E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Hi-Lite catheter male 12Ch 238212E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Hi-Lite catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 238112E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Hi-Lite set catheter male 12Ch 242212E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Hi-Lite set catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 242112E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Lite Cath catheter male 12Ch 228212E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Actreen Lite Cath catheter male olive Tiemann tip 12Ch 228112E (B.Braun Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
Aloe Hydro catheter male 12Ch AHM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
Aloe Hydro Plus catheter male 12Ch PSAHM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
Aloe Original catheter male 12Ch ABM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
Aloe Original Plus catheter male 12Ch PSAOM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
BD Ready-To-Use hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch RTU12M (Bard Ltd) 30 catheter
BD Ready-To-Use hydrophilic catheter male Coude tip 12Ch RTU12C (Bard Ltd) 30 catheter
CompactCath catheter male 12Ch 101602 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
CompactCath catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 101621 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
Curan Advantage catheter male 12Ch WHM12 (CliniMed Ltd) 30 catheter
Curan Advantage catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch WHM12C (CliniMed Ltd) 30 catheter
Curan Man catheter male 12Ch CM12 (CliniMed Ltd) 30 catheter
Cure Dextra catheter male 12Ch DEX12 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
Cure Ultra catheter male 12Ch ULTRA M12 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
Cure Ultra catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch ULTRA M12C (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
Flocath Hydro Gel catheter male 12Ch 851141 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Flocath Hydro Gel catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 851143 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Flocath Intro Gel catheter male 12Ch 851641 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Flocath Intro Gel catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 851643 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Flocath Quick catheter male 12Ch with 0.9% sterile saline solution 851241 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
GC Air catheter male 12Ch 510689 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
GC Air catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 510695 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
GC Glide hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 421909 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
GentleCath Glide hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch 421566 (ConvaTec Ltd) 30 catheter
Hi-Slip hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch HS.SM4012 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
Hi-Slip hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch HS.ST4012 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
Hi-Slip Plus hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch HS.PM4012 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
Hi-Slip Plus hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch HS.PT4012 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
HunterCath non-coated ISC catheter male 12Ch SCM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
HydroSil gripper catheter male 12Ch 73612 (Bard Ltd) 30 catheter
HydroSil Silicone Hydrophilic Personal catheter male 12Ch 63612M (Bard Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath catheter male 12Ch IQ2004.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath Gel+ catheter male 12Ch IQ3204.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath hydrophilic catheter with sleeve male 12Ch IQ4304.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath integral gel sachet catheter male 12Ch IQ3104.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath integrated saline sachet hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch IQ2104.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath Original Solo double wrapped hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch IQ2014.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath set catheter male soft tip 12Ch IQ3604.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
iQ Cath Solo for Gel catheter male 12Ch IQ3004.12 (Manfred Sauer UK Ltd) 30 catheter
LentisCath catheter male 12Ch 101402 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
LentisCath catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 101421 (Charles S Bullen Stomacare Ltd) 30 catheter
Liquick Plus catheter male 12Ch 620012 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Liquick X-treme catheter male 12Ch 851842-000120 43cm (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Liquick X-treme catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 851843-000120 43cm (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Liquick X-treme Plus catheter male 12Ch 852842-000120 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Liquick X-treme Plus catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 852843-000120 43cm (Teleflex) 30 catheter
LoFric catheter male non PVC 12Ch 4001225 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric catheter male non PVC Tiemann tip 12Ch 4051225 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Hydro-Kit catheter male non PVC 12Ch 42012253 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Hydro-Kit catheter male non PVC Tiemann tip 12Ch 42512253 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Insti-Cath catheter male 12Ch 4071225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Insti-Cath catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 4091200 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Origo catheter male 12Ch 4431225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Origo catheter male flexible 12Ch 4451225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Origo catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 4441225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Origo Sleeve catheter male 12Ch 4461225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Origo Sleeve catheter male flexible 12Ch 4481225 40cm (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Primo catheter male non PVC 12Ch 4101225 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
LoFric Primo catheter male non PVC Tiemann tip 12Ch 4151225 (Wellspect HealthCare) 30 catheter
Luja catheter male 12Ch 20032 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
Luja pocket size catheter male 12Ch 20062 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
OptiSmooth hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch OS4012 40cm (Vesica Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
SafetyCat Active catheter male 12Ch 851741-000120 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
SafetyCat Active catheter male Ergothan tip 12Ch 851742-000120 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
SafetyCat Active catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 851743-000120 (Teleflex) 30 catheter
Self-Cath catheter male 12Ch 412 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
Self-Cath catheter male coude olive tip 12Ch 812 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
Self-Cath catheter male coude taper tip 12Ch 612 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SensaCath Aqua hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch AQUAS12 (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 catheter
SensaCath Aqua hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch AQUAT12 (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 catheter
SensaCath hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch PSCM12 (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 catheter
SensaCath hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch PSCT12 (CliniSupplies Ltd) 30 catheter
Smooth Nelaton catheter male 12Ch SNM12 (Hunter Urology Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath catheter boy 12Ch 28612 30cm (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath catheter male 12Ch 28412 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 28492 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath Control catheter male 12Ch 28212 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath Flex catheter male 12Ch 28922 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath Flex pocket size catheter male 12Ch 28912 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpeediCath Flex Set catheter male 12Ch 28932 (Coloplast Ltd) 30 catheter
SpiritCare hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch SH-CC025 (Spirit Healthcare Ltd) 30 catheter
UCath H2O catheter male 12Ch uCath/HM12 (Mediwatch UK Ltd) 30 catheter
UCath hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch M12 40cm (Mediwatch UK Ltd) 30 catheter
UltraSmooth Aqua hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch USA4212 (Peak Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
UltraSmooth Aqua hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch USAT4212 (Peak Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro F-Style No Touch catheter male 12Ch 7600124 (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch 73124 (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro No Touch catheter male 12Ch 72124 40cm (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro Plus F-Style No Touch catheter male 12Ch 7700124 40cm (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro Plus No Touch catheter male 12Ch 74124 40cm (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro Plus Pocket No Touch catheter male 12Ch 71124 40cm (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
VaPro Pocket No Touch hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch 70124 40cm (Hollister Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter male 12Ch W2M12 40cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter male 4 eyelets soft tip 12Ch W4SM12 40cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter male soft tip 12Ch W2SM12 40cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter male taper tip 12Ch W2TAM12 40cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath H2O hydrophilic catheter male Tiemann tip 12Ch W2TM12 40cm (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath uncoated catheter male soft tip 12Ch USM12 (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath uncoated catheter male taper tip 12Ch UTAM12 (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter
WyCath uncoated catheter standard 4 eyelets soft tip 12Ch U4SM12 (Flexicare Medical Ltd) 30 catheter

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_3.1.0_20250310000001, imported on 11th March 2025 at 03:57:45.
