VMPP 7312011000001102

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Description Remifentanil 1mg powder for solution for injection vials 5 vial
BNF code 1501010Q0AAAAAA
Virtual Medicinal Product Remifentanil 1mg powder for solution for injection vials
Quantity value 5.00
Quantity unit of measure vial
Actual Medicinal Product Packs
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (A A H Pharmaceuticals Ltd) 5 vial
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (Alliance Healthcare (Distribution) Ltd) 5 vial
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (Aspen Pharma Trading Ltd) 5 vial
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (hameln pharma Ltd) 5 vial
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (Kent Pharma (UK) Ltd) 5 vial
Remifentanil 1mg powder for concentrate for solution for injection vials (Wockhardt UK Ltd) 5 vial

dm+d data retrieved from TRUD: release NHSBSA_1.0.0_20241230000001, imported on 31st December 2024 at 03:49:52.
