Analyse - Search

The Analyse page on OpenPrescribing allows you to run your own searches on the GP prescribing data.

This example shows you how to run a search for Cephalosporin prescribing per CCG.

To do this, we navigate over to the Analyse section of OpenPrescribing. This brings up a form where we can enter our search.

See prescribing of:

We have searched for Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams. You can use this search to look for any drug or BNF section. You can select multiple items.


There are four options we can select here as the denominator: we can either search by drugs or BNF section, total list size, STAR-PUs for antibiotics, or nothing.

Note: using no denominator (‘nothing’) can be useful for showing total prescribing figures; however, it is normally advisable to use a denominator such as list size or a family of drugs in order to adjust for the needs of local populations. We have written some guidance here explaining what each denominator means.


In this example, we have chosen STAR-PUs for antibiotics.


You can enter the CCG or GP practice you are interested in into this box, or alternatively this field can be left blank. You can switch to searching for a GP practice by selecting the arrow and changing the option to ‘a practice or practices’.


You can enter more than one CCG or GP practice.

In this example, we have chosen to leave the field blank.

Once the form is completed, you click ‘Show me the data!’ to see your results.

For more information about what the results page shows:

        If searching by CCG go here

        If searching by GP Practice go here

Having difficulty?

If you have any questions about how to use the analyse page, select the ‘Feedback’ option on the bottom right of any OpenPrescribing page & get in touch!
