Why it matters: Many people with diabetes test their blood glucose levels, using a blood glucose meter, in order to help control their diabetes by adjusting diet and the dose of medicines. Users use a “lancet” in order to prick their finger to draw a drop of blood for use with the meter. These lancets fit specific lancing devices, and are only used once.
In April 2023 NHS England published commissioning guidelines, recommending specific meters, test strips and lancets. Please note: OpenPrescribing.net measures also have a consistent way of visualising measures, where 'lower is better', and therefore in this case we show the proportion of lancets which are NOT in the NHS commissioning recommendations.Description: Percentage of prescriptions for blood glucose testing lancets not included in NHS England commissioning recommendations
Tagged as: Diabetes, Standard (or browse all measures)
Sub-ICB Locations are ordered by mean percentile over the past six months. Each chart shows the results for the individual Sub-ICB Location, plus deciles across all Sub-ICB Locations in the NHS in England.
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