High dose opioid items as percentage regular opioids

Below are the database queries which are used to create this measure. These are run against a copy of the BSA prescribing data which we store in Google BigQuery. We're working on making our BigQuery tables publicly available at which point it will be possible to run and modify these queries yourself. But even where code and database queries are not directly useable by others we believe it is always preferable to make them public.

Description Opioid items with likely daily dose of ≥120mg morphine equivalence compared with prescribing of all items of these opioids
Why it matters The Opioids Aware project seeks to improve prescribing of opioid analgesia. There is little evidence that opioids are helpful in long term pain, and the risk of harm increases significantly above 120mg morphine (or equivalent) per day, without much increase in benefit. We have assumed that if a patient is on regular doses of 120mg morphine a day or above that they are likely to have also had additional opioids for breakthrough pain. This is why we have set the threshold at ≥120mg morphine equivalence per day. The calculations are based on likely doses of long acting, regular opioids, for example morphine sulphate tablets or fentanyl patches. For example, we have assumed that MST 60mg tablets are “high dose”, as they are usually taken as one tablet twice daily (120mg daily dose), whereas MST 30mg are not, as the daily dose is 60mg. We have not included preparations used for breakthrough pain, e.g. Oramorph, or opioid injections which tend to be used more commonly in palliative care. We have calculated morphine equivalencies using the updated August 2020 tables available from the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists.

The NHS England National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities for 2024/25 identify reducing opioid use in chronic non-cancer pain as an area for improvement.

Tags Standard, Opioids, Pain, National medicines optimisation opportunities, Safety
Implies cost savings No
Authored by richard.croker
Checked by christopher.wood
Last reviewed 2024-08-05
Next review due 2025-08-05
History View change history on GitHub →

Numerator SQL

     CAST(month AS DATE) AS month,
     practice AS practice_id,
     SUM(p.items) AS numerator
 FROM hscic.normalised_prescribing p  INNER JOIN dmd.vmp vmp ON CONCAT(SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,0,9),'AA', SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,-2), SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,-2)) = vmp.bnf_code -- joins prescribing data to vmp table using generic BNF code 
 INNER JOIN dmd.vpi AS vpi ON vmp.id = vpi.vmp -- joins vmp to vpi table to get ingredient strengths (strnt_nmrtr_val) 
 INNER JOIN dmd.ont AS ont ON vmp.id = ont.vmp -- joins vmp to ont table to get formulation codes 
 INNER JOIN dmd.ontformroute AS route ON ont.form = route.cd -- joins ont table to ontform table to get formulation names
 WHERE ((COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 373492002 AND route.descr = 'patch.transdermal' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=50) --Fentanyl patches (strengths equal to or higher than 50mcg/hour) (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 387024006 AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral' AND p.bnf_name NOT LIKE '%Onexila%40mg%' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=40) --Oxycodone MR oral preps [excluding Onexila 40mg as 24hr] (strengths equal to or higher than 40mg) (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 441757005  AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=150) --Tapentadol base substance (strengths equal to or higher than 150mg) (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 387173000  AND route.descr LIKE 'patch.transdermal' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=52.5) --Buprenorphine patches (strengths equal to or higher than 52.5mg/hour) (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 60886004 AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral' AND p.bnf_name NOT LIKE '%MXL%' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=60) --Morphine Sulfate MR oral preps [excluding MXL as 24hr] (strengths equal to or higher than 60mg) (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 60886004 AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral' AND p.bnf_name LIKE '%MXL%' AND strnt_nmrtr_val/(COALESCE(strnt_dnmtr_val,1)) >=120)) --MXL (strengths equal to or higher than 120mg) (ing code)
 GROUP BY month, practice_id

Denominator SQL

     CAST(month AS DATE) AS month,
     practice AS practice_id,
     SUM(p.items) AS denominator
 FROM hscic.normalised_prescribing p  INNER JOIN dmd.vmp vmp ON CONCAT(SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,0,9),'AA', SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,-2), SUBSTR(p.bnf_code,-2)) = vmp.bnf_code -- joins prescribing data to vmp table using generic BNF code 
 INNER JOIN dmd.vpi AS vpi ON vmp.id = vpi.vmp -- joins vmp to vpi table to get ingredient strengths (strnt_nmrtr_val) 
 INNER JOIN dmd.ont AS ont ON vmp.id = ont.vmp -- joins vmp to ont table to get formulation codes 
 INNER JOIN dmd.ontformroute AS route ON ont.form = route.cd -- joins ont table to ontform table to get formulation names
 WHERE ((COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 373492002 AND route.descr = 'patch.transdermal') --Fentanyl patches (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 387024006 AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral') --Oxycodone MR oral preps (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 441757005  AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral') --Tapentadol base substance oral preps (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 387173000  AND route.descr LIKE 'patch.transdermal') --Buprenorphine patches (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 60886004 AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral') --Morphine Sulfate MR oral preps (ing code) 
 OR (COALESCE(vpi.bs_subid,vpi.ing) = 387485001  AND route.descr LIKE '%modified-release.oral')) --Hydromorphone HCl MR oral preps (ing code)
 GROUP BY month, practice_id