Silver dressings by all Sub-ICB Locations

Why it matters: NICE states : Systematic reviews and meta‑analyses have identified little good quality evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to support the use of advanced or antimicrobial dressings (such as iodine, honey or silver dressings) for chronic wounds. As well as being few in number, many of the RCTs have significant limitations and the evidence is generally of low quality There is at present no robust clinical- or cost-effectiveness evidence to support the use of antimicrobial dressings.

Description: Prescribing of silver dressings compared with prescribing of all dressings


Tagged as: Standard, Efficacy, Infections, NICE (or browse all measures)

Sub-ICB Locations are ordered by mean percentile over the past six months. Each chart shows the results for the individual Sub-ICB Location, plus deciles across all Sub-ICB Locations in the NHS in England.

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