Prescribing of tamoxifen by all Sub-ICB Locations

Why it matters: Alongside its use as a cancer treatment, in 2013 NICE recommended that tamoxifen should also be prescribed for chemoprevention of breast cancer for pre-menopausal women at increased risk. Improving the use of preventative therapies was also reiterated in England's Cancer Strategy for 2015-2020. This measure accompanies our paper investigating the national response to these guidelines, published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Description: Number of Average Daily Quantities (ADQs) for tamoxifen (20mg/day) per 1000 female population aged 35-74.


Tagged as: NICE, Mentioned in Papers (or browse all measures)

Sub-ICB Locations are ordered by mean percentile over the past six months. Each chart shows the results for the individual Sub-ICB Location, plus deciles across all Sub-ICB Locations in the NHS in England.

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