Search GP prescribing data

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For clarity, practice graphs and maps only show standard GP practices, and exclude non-standard settings like prisons, out-of-hours services, etc.
Built with Highcharts
There appear to be outliers (relating to ) in this analysis. These may not be interesting if they are caused by an unusually small list size or a very low prescribing volume. Such outliers can make the rest of the chart difficult to read.
For clarity, practice graphs and maps only show standard GP practices, and exclude non-standard settings like prisons, out-of-hours services, etc.
Built with Highcharts
There appear to be outliers (relating to ) in this analysis. These may not be interesting if they are caused by an unusually small list size or a very low prescribing volume. Such outliers can make the rest of the chart difficult to read.

For clarity, practice graphs and maps only show standard GP practices, and exclude non-standard settings like prisons, out-of-hours services, etc. CCG boundaries from NHS England. Practice locations are approximate, based on postcode. Only practices with a known location are shown here. PCN boundaries are illustrative only.
There appear to be outliers (relating to ) in this analysis. These may not be interesting if they are caused by an unusually small list size or a very low prescribing volume. Such outliers can make the rest of the chart difficult to read.

You are welcome to use data from this site in your academic output with attribution. Please cite, Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, University of Oxford, 2025 as the source for academic attribution.

If you use data or images from this site online or in a report, please link back to us. Your readers will then be able to see live updates to the data you are interested in, and explore other queries for themselves.

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Total prescribing for across
Financial YTD () Last 12 months ()
Cost (£)

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